Email: [email protected]  San Francisco: (415)398-0555  Santa Barbara: (805)695-8700

Ross Health Consultations


Melatonin: Master Hormone

Melatonin: Master Hormone

In recent years it has become clearer that Melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone, has many other tremendously beneficial effects. In humans, it is produced in the pineal gland. When the sun goes down and darkness naturally occurs, the hypothalamus sends a regulating signal to the pineal gland, to make Melatonin -- if it is able to do so. Too much exposure to light at nighttime or staying up late -- this all decreases the natural production of Melatonin and makes it difficult for the pineal gland to produce enough of it for whole body support. Also, the pineal gland itself can become calcified or damaged by modern living so it is not as able to produce Melatonin. Walter Pierpaoli. M.D. spent years researching this subject using animal studies and thorough this work he recognized that melatonin is a master hormone that has across the board beneficial effects on basic human functioning. Melatonin has been found to extend lifespan in animals and also has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-cancer effects in humans.


IV Vitamin Therapy

IV Vitamin Therapy

Vitamin and mineral, nutritional therapies have been used now for decades, and have gradually increased in popularity over the past 30 years. The famous, Nobel Prize winning Linus Pauling, PhD, pioneered research about Vitamin C and its benefits in the treatment of a wide range of ailments and illnesses. While Dr. Pauling’s research involved the use of oral Vitamin C, John Myers, M.D. developed and put into practice the use of IV Vitamin C for even more powerful results.
I have been administering my own style of intravenous vitamin and nutrient therapy for over 30 years. I use only the highest quality ingredients, custom mixed per patient, and containing a wide breath of medicinal components. I have found these IV’s to be extremely effective in helping my patients with the treatment of medical issues including immune system issues such bronchitis, colds, flus, and fatigue, depression, migraines, heart palpitations, asthma, stress, and Parkinson’s


Iodine: A Building Block

Iodine: A Building Block

There has been increasing interest in the holistic, nutritional use of iodine in medical practice over the last several years as it has been shown that most people in the United States are deficient in iodine. The Midwest region has always had a low iodine level in the soil, but now more so due to depletion of the soil from over farming. The body does not produce iodine so people do need to supplement on a steady basis – the degree to which they need to supplement varies from person to person.
The use of iodine for better health


Radio Show - Thyroid

Think Like a Healer

with Kathleen Anderson Ross and Dr. Gary S. Ross


You and Glutathione

Glutathione (GSF) is a powerful antioxidant, similar to other antioxidants such as Vitamin C and Vitamin E, and has become increasingly more common clinically in the nutritional world over the last twenty years.


Radio Show - Types of Lab Tests

On the Radio program Journey Into the Light with Michael Long

Think Like a Healer

with Kathleen Anderson Ross and Dr. Gary S. Ross
"Types of Lab Test"


Radio Show - Staying Healthy Through the Seasons

On the Radio program Journey Into the Light with Michael Long

Think Like a Healer

with Kathleen Anderson Ross and Dr. Gary S. Ross
"Staying Healthy Through The Seasons"


Memory Issues

Memory Issues

Memory and mental sharpness tend to go down with age, becoming more noticeable after the age of 50 but even more so by the age of 60 or 65. Many patients realize this and want to take whatever will work to minimize this memory or cognitive loss and even improve it.




Telomeres are protective caps that cover the tips of the body�s chromosomes, similar to the plastic tips that are at the end of a shoelace. The telomeres tend to become shorter as people age, so testing the telomeres is a way to look at cellular aging. The shortness of the telomeres points to the patient�s biological age and is actually measured using the patient�s white blood cells taken with a blood sample for this specially designed test. After many cell divisions in a person�s life, once the telomeres shorten to a critical point the cell is no longer able to divide and thusly, dies.


Thyroid Blood Tests

I have seen patients who were doing well on thyroid pills -- Armour, Naturethroid, synthetic -- who have their symptoms and signs under control, but then reduced their thyroid dose on the basis of limited thyroid blood testing which can result in getting the wrong advice leading to a worsening of their symptoms and overall condition, sometime dramatically. This happens because the thyroid testing is usually not as complete as possible (due to financial/insurance restrictions). To be accurate, testing should look carefully at Free T4 and Free T3 levels, Total T4 and Total 3 levels, and TSH and the two common thyroid antibodies. Top university laboratory experts cannot agree as to which of these types of tests is the most accurate; therefore, in difficult cases it is helpful to check all of them.

Without the proper appropriate lab data it is hard to adjust the thyroid dose correctly. The lab tests themselves have a wide normal range so the interpretation of the labs by the doctor should optimally include some clinical judgment as to how the patient is doing on thyroid in terms of signs and symptoms.




I really feel comfortable with Dr. Ross. He reminds me of the way the doctors were in my country growing up, treating the patient naturally to support the body instead of only drugs. I trust Dr. Ross because he treats me as a person.