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Ross Health Consultations

Homepage Panel #3

IV Vitamin Therapy

IV Vitamin Therapy

Vitamin and mineral, nutritional therapies have been used now for decades, and have gradually increased in popularity over the past 30 years. The famous, Nobel Prize winning Linus Pauling, PhD, pioneered research about Vitamin C and its benefits in the treatment of a wide range of ailments and illnesses. While Dr. Pauling’s research involved the use of oral Vitamin C, John Myers, M.D. developed and put into practice the use of IV Vitamin C for even more powerful results.
I have been administering my own style of intravenous vitamin and nutrient therapy for over 30 years. I use only the highest quality ingredients, custom mixed per patient, and containing a wide breath of medicinal components. I have found these IV’s to be extremely effective in helping my patients with the treatment of medical issues including immune system issues such bronchitis, colds, flus, and fatigue, depression, migraines, heart palpitations, asthma, stress, and Parkinson’s


Memory Issues

Memory Issues

Memory and mental sharpness tend to go down with age, becoming more noticeable after the age of 50 but even more so by the age of 60 or 65. Many patients realize this and want to take whatever will work to minimize this memory or cognitive loss and even improve it.




When I started seeing Dr. Ross, it was as though my life was given back to me. I saw the world through different eyes for the first time in nearly 50 years. I am no longer stricken with debilitating depression and overwhelming anxiety. I am much healthier and certainly much happier. To say I depend on Dr. Ross is an understatement. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He gave me back my health and emotional well-being. This is the happiest and healthiest I’ve been in years and years.