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Ross Health Consultations

Radio Show - Thyroid

Think Like a Healer

with Kathleen Anderson Ross and Dr. Gary S. Ross

Apr 19, 2022 Arrow1 Down Reply
Ivet Fortun

Hi Dr. Ross,
I would like to set up a consultation with you. I called the SB office but haven’t heard back.
I can be reached at 323-570-9853

Thank you!



When I started seeing Dr. Ross, it was as though my life was given back to me. I saw the world through different eyes for the first time in nearly 50 years. I am no longer stricken with debilitating depression and overwhelming anxiety. I am much healthier and certainly much happier. To say I depend on Dr. Ross is an understatement. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He gave me back my health and emotional well-being. This is the happiest and healthiest I’ve been in years and years.