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Ross Health Consultations

Importance of Finding Your Right Diet

Seeing patients one at a time for 35 years, I am reminded time and again of certain vital health tools that are available to each and every person, with the correct information along with the guidance of a knowledgeable health practitioner.

My patients tend to be intelligent, informed and motivated. They know that just as important as finding the right diet is also knowing that your body’s vitamin and mineral needs change depending upon what you’re going through in your life. Nothing in life stays the same, including the dietary needs of your body, in order to keep it running smoothly with enough life supporting minerals and vitamins. It is possible to satisfy these needs through diet but often in our modern world, supplementation is necessary. If you are unsure whether you are getting the best balance of vitamins and minerals, I suggest a lab test for micro nutrients which many of my patients have found to be helpful in helping to get back on track.

Yet, some people don’t want to know because they are worried that they will be told to, for example, eat more dairy if they need calcium. However, calcium can be found in a variety of other foods in nature: seeds, almonds, leafy greens, and more. And, depending upon how depleted one’s body is, there might be a temporary need for calcium supplementation.

Also, we consider the effects of the acid/alkaline balance in the diet. Someone with an overly acidic diet will consistently need more calcium because an acidic diet tends to leech the calcium out of the body. (The acidity creates an inflammatory tendency adversely affecting calcium absoption, but that is another blog post.)

There are countless diets and theories claiming amazing results — in fact, there are just enough conflicting diets and claims to make the average consumer utterly confused. Again, finding your right diet is part of the continual process of life and the wisest people stay open to what is best for their body as they go through life.



When I started seeing Dr. Ross, it was as though my life was given back to me. I saw the world through different eyes for the first time in nearly 50 years. I am no longer stricken with debilitating depression and overwhelming anxiety. I am much healthier and certainly much happier. To say I depend on Dr. Ross is an understatement. I don’t know what I’d do without him. He gave me back my health and emotional well-being. This is the happiest and healthiest I’ve been in years and years.