Castro Farmers' Market
Noe St. at Market Street
San Francisco, California
March 11-December 16
Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Whoever said that eating healthily is boring and costs too much clearly hasn’t been to the Castro Farmers’ Market.
Every Wednesday at 4:00pm throughout the season, March 12, 2014 to December 17, 2014, Noe Street (at Market, near Hot Cookie) will be teeming with fresh produce, flowers and treats (free samples, anyone?) from over 25 farms around the Bay Area. Indulge in plump organic blackberries and raspberries from Berry Licious, succulent honey from Citybees, oh-so-much cheese from Achandinha Cheese Company, and fresh seafood from From the Sea to You.
Not only will the Castro Farmers’ Market give you the ultimate produce-induced food-gasm, but your ears will get a tickle as well. You’ll have the pleasure of listening to live music from a different artist each week! Castro, San Francisco will be flooded with sounds from Paul Anderson (May 7), Michel Saga (May 14), Mama Mia D’Bruzzi (May 21) and Alzara Getz (May 28).
Whether it’s your first time or you’ve been every week, there’s always something new to see. “This farmers’ market only continues to expand and improve. I love seeing new vendors here, and recently with the earlier nights — there's something quite lovely about seeing a dimly lit farmer's market bubbling with life, music and radiant produce,” said Yelper Jessica T., San Francisco.
The Castro Farmers’ Market also partners with a lot of local businesses within the Castro community. Some of these businesses include:
Merchants of Upper Market and Castro:
The Merchants of Upper Market and Castro (MUMC) are the sponsors of the farmers' market.
Cafe FLore:
In addition to being one of the closest neighbors to the Castro Farmers' Market, Cafe Flore is a great supporter. Stop in and let then know you appreciate their support of bringing a farmers' market to the Castro.
Fresh Approach:
The mission of Fresh Approach is to encourage healthier children, families and communities through community education, innovative programming and novel partnerships that promote a stronger local food system and better-informed choices about food and nutrition. Founded in 2008, Fresh Approach works in close partnership with the Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association to conduct educational outreach and programs in Bay Area communities.
Market Match:
Market Match provides an incentive to CalFresh recipients to purchase food at farmers’ markets with their EBT card. Each day they purchase $10 or more in tokens to shop the market, they receive an additional $5 in tokens for free. To learn more about the CalFresh program, including eligibility and how to apply, see the state’s Department of Social Services website
Food News from Roots of Change:
Our partners at Roots of Change - a nonprofit effort to develop and support a collaborative network of leaders and institutions in California with interest in establishing a sustainable food system in our state - maintains an up-to-date list of food news impacting our communities.
Bay Area Buy Fresh Buy Local Food Guide:
The Buy Fresh Buy Local Food Guide, developed and published by Community Alliance with Family Farmers, helps consumers find and choose local products while the companion Buy Fresh Buy Local Campaign builds relationships between growers, food artisans, farmers’ markets retailers, restaurants, and institutions.
The Castro Farmer’s market brings California’s best produce directly to you. It’s your one-stop shop for all things nutritious and delicious in your beloved Gay San Francisco!
Going tonight? Be sure to check the weather so you’re prepared.
(We know that San Francisco’s weather can be pretty bi-polar — but luckily for us, this vivacious farmers’ market is rain or shine!)